How to get case studies, customer stories, or testimonials

Case studies and customer testimonials are not just tools for showcasing the efficacy of your product or service; they are compelling narratives that can significantly boost your brand’s credibility and customer trust. However, converting these success stories into tangible marketing assets often poses a challenge for businesses. Let’s dive into some creative strategies to overcome these hurdles and effectively harness the power of customer success stories.

The Challenge of Shipping Case Studies

Initiating the process of creating a case study can feel like an uphill battle. Despite having notable clients on board, translating their experiences into a published case study often encounters delays and obstacles. The primary step to mitigating this challenge lies in collaboration. Work closely with Customer Success (CS) and sales teams to draft the content. By preparing the initial draft and allowing your clients to make edits, you remove a significant burden from their shoulders, facilitating a smoother approval process.

Contractual Creativity

One underutilized tactic is incorporating the agreement to participate in a case study right into the contract. By setting the expectation early, clients are more inclined to collaborate. Additionally, empowering your CS team with a robust case study template can streamline the process. When your team knows precisely what is needed, gathering testimonials becomes a systematic part of their workflow.

The QBR Advantage

Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) with your top clients are an excellent opportunity to pitch the idea of a case study. These sessions can be leveraged to offer help in content creation, keeping the case study template in mind. This approach not only builds rapport but also provides a clear vision of the end goal, making the ask much more natural and the response more favorable.

Showcasing Customer Progress

A case study is an excellent opportunity for your clients to highlight their growth and innovation. By positioning it as a value proposition for them, they become partners in the storytelling process. Allocating a budget for paid promotions of the case study ensures that the finished product gains ample visibility, offering added value to your clients.

Elevating the Customer Brand

Everyone loves a good success story, especially when it positions them as thought leaders. Inviting clients to share their journey on your platforms, such as podcasts or at events, can be a great incentive. This content can be repurposed into a case study, allowing for deeper insights and a broader reach, while also elevating the client’s brand and leadership profile.

The Numbers Game

Just like in sales, working on multiple potential case studies simultaneously ensures that you have enough in the pipeline to meet your targets. If you aim for three completed case studies, start with nine in development. This approach accounts for delays and ensures a steady stream of published stories.

Domain Authority as a Common Goal

For clients looking to boost their online presence, a case study can serve as a means to achieve greater domain authority. By linking back to their site from your high-authority website, you create a win-win situation. This mutual benefit can be a compelling reason for clients to participate in a case study.

Case studies and testimonials are invaluable for any business looking to establish trust and demonstrate the real-world impact of their offerings. By creatively approaching the creation process and aligning it with the interests of your clients, you can turn customer success stories into powerful marketing assets.

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